Oh and we are becoming more sensitive too. Nobody can touch or make fun of our race or religion. Itu satu kepantangan. We will go berserk, we will run amok. But it is okay if we make fun of other races, other religions. We term this exception as jihad, defending our right.
We muslims, I mean, most Muslims are fucking hypocrites. From Arabs to Malays. Arabs are the most racist people I know, Malays follow closely behind them. They pass racial slur as nonchalantly as eating kebab and currypuff. I know this because I mingle with them a lot, but I don't agree with most of their life principles.
To me, if you enjoy making or listening to racial jokes, you should be able to be laughed at when other people make fun of you. The problem is, we are so biased. We think we are the better race, we think we have the better religion.
Guess what, everybody thinks the same way as we do. So who are we kidding here? If everyone claims to have the best blood, the best faith in the universe, who wants to be second best?
I have to admit something here. I don't enjoy racial joke. I am not racist, but I am racialist. There's a huge difference between these two terms, you know. Everytime someone makes racial joke before me, I'd be the first to object. This is because I find this kind of jokes as tasteless. In return, I also don't want other races to belittle my fellow Malays.
I wonder how some people can preach about world unity whilst at the same time they dump shit by being drunken racist. These people are sadly my fellow Muslims. Adolf Hitler the devil would be smiling seeing us squabbling over racial remarks, if he were still alive.
The never ending wars in Middle East will never stop so long as racial cards are played on the table, so long as among Muslims, we still fight over the different school of thoughts, different doctrines.
The current situation is as simple as this. We are all chickens, we shit everywhere. Yet chickens think they taste better than ducks.
However there is an exception. Racial jokes are tasteful and acceptable and funny if you crack them in front of the intended parties. For example, a Malay makes racial joke about Chinese right before the eyes of a Chinese. If the Chinese laughs, then the joke is considered funny. But if he doesn't, the Malay might be in grave trouble.
So be very careful with words. In the eyes of God, we are all the same. If we cannot unite as mankind, do not severe our ties among each other with silly race-degrading jokes.
i read somewhere that islam is indeed the holiest religion of all and no one can make fun of it.
but as muslims, to be fair (and for this matter, to strictly follow the teachings), we should stop make fun of others too and respect on their believs.
race, on the other hand, is another story.
for muslims, islam is indeed the holiest religion of all.
but christians, hindus, buddhists, jews and others, they don't share the same opinion. To them, their religion is the holiest.
instead of fighting which religion is the holiest, we should start respecting each others' different beliefs and faith.
No more passing snide remarks. The same goes to racial issue.
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