Thursday, July 1, 2010

Soul Maid

Recently when the issue of maids was brought up in newspapers time and time again, I almost said Oh-boy-here-we-go-again. One party was pro maid, whilst the other saw no reason for having one, or more.

One question was even raised, something sounds like 'is it so hard to lift your fingers and mop the floor?' To answer this, to me, personally, yes it is hard, missus. And I can give you hundred of illogical reasons to justify my stand, but these will only shower me with thousand of lame you're-lazy-bimbo accusations.

To be frank, to decide whether to hire a maid in your household or to just do your own chores is not an issue worth debating. In this hedonistic world, money rules. If you have the riches available, the decision is up to you. But if you lead a tight life, forget it. Break the sweat, tidy your place up yourself.

Other than cooking, I believe I am not that bad in doing house chores. So, in the near future, I don't see myself needing a maid. Simply because I'm not used to having one in my whole life, except yeah, my granny in kampung is taken care of by a maid, but that's another story altogether. And I don't find it necessary to fork out RM400 or more to pay someone to do chores that can actually burn my calories without hitting the gym. Plus, I am a cheapskate.

Unless, if I was fated to have more than 3 children at some point of my life. Fate, exactly the word I rarely use, overrated. Most people use it for all the wrong reasons. But looking at my current pattern of life and love life, I don't see my wedding cards are landing in your post box anytime soon or later. I am just too selfish to get married. Although too eager to get laid (this line is supposed to be funny, tq very much).

Since I can do almost all house chores but cooking, hiring a maid looks irrelevant to me for now. To deal with my cooking flaw, well I know many maids whose cooking skill is almost zero. With me currently seeing someone who adores cooking, and I am pampered with lots of foods, cooking mastery is not yet an issue to me.

So ladies and gentleman, in the end, it goes back to how fat is your bank account and whether you see having a maid is a necessity. And whether you see house chores can reduce your waistline.

This is purely my two-cents.


mixo the ixo said...

lawa gambar profile. macam kat bandung. ahem.

11:57:03 said...

Cilok dari mana entah.