Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Prodigal Child

I bilang sama adik, delete blog kau, buat email baru, tukar segala bagai. Keluarga sudah pasang spy, jadi kau hati-hati. Hide your identity whenever necessary.

Bila mak buat luahan hati ke hati, menyatakan segala yang dia tak senang dengan perangai kami, I diam saja. Malas mahu bertekak, sebab in the end, dia tetap mahu menang. Maka, I redha saja kalah cakap.

Dan bila saja dia kata dia baca tulisan I, zaappp! Rasa terhentak dada. I don't write for her, because I know she cannot take every word of mine. She now knows I curse and so full of myself. Jadi, semasa sesi tazkirah, habis segala sifat mazmumah I dibentangkan. I didn't object, not even a single word came out of my mouth.

I adalah anak harapan. Jadi I faham kenapa dia kecewa. Problem is, mak ada guidelines dia sendiri. Of how her children should be like this and that. Everything must turn out as scripted.

Another problem is, I don't like her script.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Am A Whistler, And I Juggle Sometimes

This is my escapade. I am running away, from my old blog. Because I cannot remain my anonymity there.

So this is the new blog. I'm shutting down the old one, without telling many souls. I know some of them have been steady readers of my writings, but too bad I cannot afford to risk myself by telling them this new home of mine.

Hello, I am a whistler. I am not you. At times, I can be depressing, please bear with me. I also curse, and my mom doesn't find that charming.

You know, my mom has been stalking me. She's the reason I'm writing here. So, again. Hello to you!